Class GraphImpl<VD,ED>
All Implemented Interfaces:
<A> VertexRDD<A> aggregateMessagesWithActiveSet(scala.Function1<EdgeContext<VD,ED,A>,scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> sendMsg, scala.Function2<A,A,A> mergeMsg, TripletFields tripletFields, scala.Option<scala.Tuple2<VertexRDD<?>,EdgeDirection>> activeSetOpt, scala.reflect.ClassTag<A> evidence$10)
static <VD,ED> GraphImpl<VD,ED> apply(RDD<Edge<ED>> edges, VD defaultVertexAttr, StorageLevel edgeStorageLevel, StorageLevel vertexStorageLevel, scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD> evidence$13, scala.reflect.ClassTag<ED> evidence$14)
Create a graph from edges, setting referenced vertices to defaultVertexAttr.
static <VD,ED> GraphImpl<VD,ED> apply(RDD<scala.Tuple2<Object,VD>> vertices, RDD<Edge<ED>> edges, VD defaultVertexAttr, StorageLevel edgeStorageLevel, StorageLevel vertexStorageLevel, scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD> evidence$17, scala.reflect.ClassTag<ED> evidence$18)
Create a graph from vertices and edges, setting missing vertices to defaultVertexAttr.
static <VD,ED> GraphImpl<VD,ED> apply(VertexRDD<VD> vertices, EdgeRDD<ED> edges, scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD> evidence$19, scala.reflect.ClassTag<ED> evidence$20)
Create a graph from a VertexRDD and an EdgeRDD with arbitrary replicated vertices.
Graph<VD,ED> cache()
Caches the vertices and edges associated with this graph at the previously-specified target storage levels, which default to MEMORY_ONLY.
void checkpoint()
Mark this Graph for checkpointing.
EdgeRDDImpl<ED,VD> edges()
An RDD containing the edges and their associated attributes.
static <VD,ED> GraphImpl<VD,ED> fromEdgePartitions(RDD<scala.Tuple2<Object,org.apache.spark.graphx.impl.EdgePartition<ED,VD>>> edgePartitions, VD defaultVertexAttr, StorageLevel edgeStorageLevel, StorageLevel vertexStorageLevel, scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD> evidence$15, scala.reflect.ClassTag<ED> evidence$16)
Create a graph from EdgePartitions, setting referenced vertices to defaultVertexAttr.
static <VD,ED> GraphImpl<VD,ED> fromExistingRDDs(VertexRDD<VD> vertices, EdgeRDD<ED> edges, scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD> evidence$21, scala.reflect.ClassTag<ED> evidence$22)
Create a graph from a VertexRDD and an EdgeRDD with the same replicated vertex type as the vertices.
scala.collection.Seq<String> getCheckpointFiles()
Gets the name of the files to which this Graph was checkpointed.
Graph<VD,ED> groupEdges(scala.Function2<ED,ED,ED> merge)
Merges multiple edges between two vertices into a single edge.
boolean isCheckpointed()
Return whether this Graph has been checkpointed or not.
<ED2> Graph<VD,ED2> mapEdges(scala.Function2<Object,scala.collection.Iterator<Edge<ED>>,scala.collection.Iterator<ED2>> f, scala.reflect.ClassTag<ED2> evidence$6)
Transforms each edge attribute using the map function, passing it a whole partition at a time.
<ED2> Graph<VD,ED2> mapTriplets(scala.Function2<Object,scala.collection.Iterator<EdgeTriplet<VD,ED>>,scala.collection.Iterator<ED2>> f, TripletFields tripletFields, scala.reflect.ClassTag<ED2> evidence$7)
Transforms each edge attribute a partition at a time using the map function, passing it the adjacent vertex attributes as well.
<VD2> Graph<VD2,ED> mapVertices(scala.Function2<Object,VD,VD2> f, scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD2> evidence$5, scala.Predef.$eq$colon$eq<VD,VD2> eq)
Transforms each vertex attribute in the graph using the map function.
<VD2,ED2> Graph<VD,ED> mask(Graph<VD2,ED2> other, scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD2> evidence$8, scala.reflect.ClassTag<ED2> evidence$9)
Restricts the graph to only the vertices and edges that are also in other, but keeps the attributes from this graph.
<U,VD2> Graph<VD2,ED> outerJoinVertices(RDD<scala.Tuple2<Object,U>> other, scala.Function3<Object,VD,scala.Option<U>,VD2> updateF, scala.reflect.ClassTag<U> evidence$11, scala.reflect.ClassTag<VD2> evidence$12, scala.Predef.$eq$colon$eq<VD,VD2> eq)
Joins the vertices with entries in the table RDD and merges the results using mapFunc.
Graph<VD,ED> partitionBy(PartitionStrategy partitionStrategy)
Repartitions the edges in the graph according to partitionStrategy.
Graph<VD,ED> partitionBy(PartitionStrategy partitionStrategy, int numPartitions)
Repartitions the edges in the graph according to partitionStrategy.
Graph<VD,ED> persist(StorageLevel newLevel)
Caches the vertices and edges associated with this graph at the specified storage level, ignoring any target storage levels previously set.
org.apache.spark.graphx.impl.ReplicatedVertexView<VD,ED> replicatedVertexView()
Graph<VD,ED> reverse()
Reverses all edges in the graph.
Graph<VD,ED> subgraph(scala.Function1<EdgeTriplet<VD,ED>,Object> epred, scala.Function2<Object,VD,Object> vpred)
Restricts the graph to only the vertices and edges satisfying the predicates.
RDD<EdgeTriplet<VD,ED>> triplets()
Return an RDD that brings edges together with their source and destination vertices.
Graph<VD,ED> unpersist(boolean blocking)
Uncaches both vertices and edges of this graph.
Graph<VD,ED> unpersistVertices(boolean blocking)
Uncaches only the vertices of this graph, leaving the edges alone.
VertexRDD<VD> vertices()
An RDD containing the vertices and their associated attributes.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.spark.graphx.Graph
aggregateMessages, fromEdges, fromEdgeTuples, graphToGraphOps, mapEdges, mapTriplets, mapTriplets, ops
Methods inherited from class Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
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