Spark Streaming with Twitter, you can get public tweets by using Twitter API.

Spark Streaming with Twitter, you can get public tweets by using Twitter API.

To start, register a developer account at

To have consumer key, consumer secret key, access token and access secret, you will need to create an app and you will need to provide a web site URL, it does not have to be working.

Spark streaming use case with scala with Twitter

Get twitter streaming tweets that contains that contains “happy” or “money” case insensitive

package com.jentekco.spark

import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import org.apache.spark.streaming._
import org.apache.spark.streaming.twitter._
import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext._

import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger}

/** Listens to a stream of Tweets only contains "happy" or "money" case insensitive
you can change it to whatever keyword you want to limit to
object SearchKeywordTweets {
I have included working build.sbt for you to run 
sbt assembly to create jar file, check sbt sub folder for the build.sbt
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val ssc = new StreamingContext("local[*]", "SearchTwitterTweets", Seconds(1))
    System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.consumerKey","<your Twitter consumer key>")
System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.consumerSecret", "<your twitter consumer secret>")
System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.accessToken", "<your twitter access token>")
System.setProperty("twitter4j.oauth.accessTokenSecret", "<your twitter token secret>")
val tweets = TwitterUtils.createStream(ssc, None)
// Extract the text
val tweets_collection = => each_tweet.getText())
//Set your search criteria to only retain these meet your search condition
val focus_tweets_collection=tweets_collection.filter(text=>text.toLowerCase.contains("happy") | text.toLowerCase.contains("money"))

//Display your result

//If you intent to run on Non windows machine, use proper path instead of windows drive letter!

Last updated

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